Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Cafe owl is so cute!!

In Japan, a growing number of cafes to touch the owl.
In the Tokyo area, there are about 16 shops of Owl Cafe.
Recently, I went to Shinjuku new owl cafe.

No. 1 popularity of northern white-faced owl

I have disinfected their hands, and, entered the owl room.
Then owl I was biting lightly my fingers or riding in my hand. It is not at all painful. Cuteeeee!
Owl Room Rates: 10 minutes 500 yen

In the shop, Owl our kind various

Eurasian eagle owl, which became the model of Hayao Miyazaki's "My Neighbor Totoro".
He was brilliant wink.

By the way, the image of "My Neighbor Totoro" is this. Similar?

Barn owl watch me was eating coffee and cake

Small birds of prey, European scops owl

Food also various. I ate the tart cake and orange juice of purple sweet potato.

Seat There are two types of counter and table seating towards the owl us room. 

Monday, August 31, 2015

Pillar of vegetables, in the Tokyo subway

In Japan, the August 31 is the anniversary of vegetables.
In Tokyo, the subway station yard of the pillars were decorated with giant vegetables.
